David Deusner loves being a novice photographer. In fact, he still remembers his favorite birthday, when he turned twelve and his parents bought him his first camera. 
David hadn’t asked them for a camera. In fact, the truth was he hadn’t really ever thought about owning a camera. He had been hoping to get some tools of his own so he didn’t have to use his dad’s all the time. His parents who were well aware of his wishes, thought he was too young to have tools of his own and could be dangerous. They did want to get him something that would spark his creativity, and that is why they bought him a camera. They had hoped that the camera would be something that he would really enjoy and would continue to cultivate that creative side of him, and they were right. Once David started taking pictures, he was hooked. Seeing things through the lens of his camera and being able to capture something right on the spot that he found interesting, meaningful or beautiful ignited a spark and the inner photographer in David came alive and has stayed with him ever since.
Now an adult who is married with children of his own, David is so thankful to his parents for giving him his first camera. He still remembers the months and years following his 12th birthday as being some of the best. David never went anywhere without his camera. He would take pictures everyday and then say to his subject, David Deusner, Photographer. He was constantly taking pictures of his parents and siblings around the house and at family events. He also took so many pictures of his friends at school, on field trips or other school events, that the yearbook committee contacted him to see if he had any pictures he could contribute.
Today, David Deusner is a photographer. While he has gone through many cameras over the years and the cameras he uses today are far more advanced than the one he got when he was twelve, it is still his favorite. He has it proudly displayed on a shelf in his home office, reminding him of where it all began.