Growing up David Deusner was an enthusiastic child who was always on the go. Born and raised in Selmer, Tennessee, some of his favorite things to do were to go to the movies, do DIY projects with his dad, theater and photography. 
Even as a small boy, David Deusner loved to create. You could always find him either helping his dad fix things around the house or else he was begging him to start a new do-it-yourself or DIY project with him and when his mother decided to plant a flower bed in their yard, David was right there next to her telling her where to put all the bulbs so her garden would look the best. Sure enough, he was right because the following Spring, his family had the best looking flower bed on the street.
David Deusner definitely had a knack for DIY projects, but he could certainly wear his parents out, so often times, they would load the kids in the car and take them to the movies because they knew that David loved the movies almost as much as much as he loved to fix things. He would sit with his eyes glued to the big screen watching intently. After the movie was over, David Deusner would entertain his family all the way home, imitating one of the characters or scenes in the movie. Everyone enjoyed his shows and would often encourage him to do more.
On his 12th birthday, his parents decided to get him a camera. David’s eyes opened wide and he stared at the camera for a minute. He had not really ever thought about photography before, but the feel of the camera in his hand felt natural and that excited him. He could not wait to take his first picture, and once he did, he realized a whole new passion, photography. Before long, David Deusner amateur photographer was on the move taking pictures of anyone and anything he could.
Today, David Deusner is an adult. He graduated from high school went away to college and came home and married his girlfriend. Now he has a family of his own, and he is still very much a project person. In fact, his family likes to joke that he should have his own show on HGTV or the DIY network. He is constantly creating new projects around his own home and yard and now his wife now has the nicest flower garden on their street. David Deusner still loves to go to the movies, but now he is the one taking his kids, and you guessed it, he is still entertaining his family by acting out scenes from the movie on the way home. He also still loves to take pictures, in fact, today he is a professional freelance photographer.